Salt: The Delicious Health-Buster (And What to Use Instead)
Yes, there are lots of different kinds of salt: pink, iodized, kosher, sea, etc. They come from salt mines in the ground, or from...

Paleo Diet 101 + Paleo Banana Muffin Recipe
The world’s most popular diet in 2013, the Paleo craze hasn’t lost any steam. It has acquired quite the cult following from certain...

5 Whole Food Snacks You Will Love
The words “healthy” and “snacks” often appear in the same sentence. But that might also bring thoughts of "tasteless," "cardboard," and...

Three MUST Eat Breakfast Foods
BREAKFAST IS BY FAR MY FAVORITE MEAL! In fact, my go-to dinner whenever my husband works late is Breakfast for Dinner! I take that...

Overweight and Tired? It could be the QUALITY of your calories NOT the number of them.
Everyone has heard (and maybe lived through) the intense focus on how much you eat. It is the philosophy that places like Weight Watchers h

Three Ways to Avoid Overeating at Meals
There is nothing better then an incredible meal (especially if you didn't have to cook it, am I right?). It doesn't matter if it is a...