Are Your Symptoms from a Food Intolerance?
If you don’t know someone with a food sensitivity, you must be living in a bunker. It can be super annoying to remember and work around everyone’s sensitivities.
“Okay everyone, Karen can’t have gluten. Chris can’t have eggs. Sonya can’t have red meat. But other than that bring whatever you want for the company potluck”.
I mean are these “sensitivities” really legitimate? I have seen Sonya mow down on a burger or two so how serious can it be?
Food intolerances or "sensitivities" can affect you in so many ways. And they’re a lot more common than most people think. As many people as you know with a sensitivity, there are even more out there that haven’t made the connection.
I'm not talking about anaphylaxis or immediate allergic reactions that involve an immune response. Those can be serious and life-threatening. If you have any allergies, you need to steer clear of any traces of foods you are allergic to, and speak with your doctor or pharmacist about emergency medication, if necessary.
What I'm talking about, is an intolerance, meaning you do not tolerate a specific food very well and it causes immediate or chronic symptoms anywhere in the body. Symptoms can take hours or even days to show themselves. And symptoms can be located just about anywhere in the body.
This is what makes them so tricky to identify. And also easy to ignore when someone tempts you with something oh so delicious. The longer the onset of symptoms, the less the brain connects the two and the more likely someone will be to be lacksi daisy with their intolerances.
There are some common food intolerances that have immediate and terribly painful gastrointestinal symptoms, such as lactose or gluten intolerance. These can cause stomach pain, gas, bloating, and/or diarrhea; symptoms can start immediately after eating lactose or gluten.
On the other hand, other more insidious symptoms may not be linked to foods in an obvious way.
Symptoms like:
Chronic muscle or joint pain
Sweating, or increased heart rate or blood pressure
Headaches or migraines
Exhaustion after a good night's sleep
Autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto's or rheumatoid arthritis
Rashes or eczema
Inability to concentrate or feeling like your brain is "foggy"
Shortness of breath
If your body has trouble digesting specific foods, it can affect your hormones, metabolism, or even cause inflammation and result in any of the symptoms listed above. And these can affect any (or all) parts of the body, not just your gastrointestinal system.
The main thing you can do is to figure out which foods or drinks you may be reacting to and stop ingesting them.
I know, I know...this sounds so simple, and yet it can be SO HARD.
Get rid of those offending foods/drinks. All traces of them, for three full weeks and monitor your symptoms.
If things get better, then you need to decide whether it's worth it to stop ingesting them, or if you want to slowly introduce them back one at a time while still looking out to see if/when symptoms return.
I have a diary sensitivity that leaves me a snotty mucus filled mess (TMI?) when I eat it, so I completely avoid it…… unless there is some REALLY old smelly cheese on the menu and then I throw caution to the wind. That 1% of the time, I feel like the benefits out way the consequences.
Here are two of the most common triggers of food intolerances:
Lactose (in dairy - eliminate altogether, or look for a "lactose-free" label - try nut or coconut milk instead).
Gluten (in wheat, rye, and other common grains - look for a "gluten-free" label - try gluten-free grains like rice, quinoa & gluten-free oats).
This is by no means a complete list, but it's a good place to start because lactose intolerance is thought to affect up to 75% of people, while "non-celiac gluten sensitivity" can affect up to 13% of people.
So, if you can eliminate all traces of lactose and gluten for three weeks, it can confirm whether either or both of these, are a source of your symptoms.
Yes, dairy and grains are a part of many government-recommended food guidelines, but you absolutely can get all of the nutrients you need if you focus on replacing them with nutrient-dense foods.
A reliable way to monitor how you feel after eating certain foods is to track it. After every meal or snack, write down the foods you ate, and any symptoms so you can more easily spot trends.
And, symptoms may not start immediately following a meal. You may find, for example, that you wake up with a headache the morning after eating bananas.
You might be surprised what links you can find if you track your food and symptoms well!
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you eliminate something, you need to make sure it's not hiding in other foods, or the whole point of eliminating it for a few weeks is lost. Restaurant food, packaged foods, and sauces or dressings are notorious for adding ingredients that you'd never think are there. You know that sugar hides in almost everything, but did you also know that wheat is often added to processed meats and soy sauce, and lactose can even be found in some medications or supplements?
When in doubt you HAVE to ask the server in a restaurant about hidden ingredients, read labels, and consider cooking from scratch.
If eliminating these two common food intolerances doesn’t work, then you can go one step further to eliminate all dairy (even lactose-free) and all grains (even gluten-free) for three weeks.
You may need to see a qualified healthcare practitioner for help, and that's OK. I don't want you to continue suffering if you don't need to!

Makes 3 cups
½ cup raw nuts/seeds (almonds, walnuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, or sesame seeds)
2 cups water
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
Soak nuts/seeds for about 8 hours (optional, but recommended).
Dump soaking water & rinse nuts/seeds.
Add soaked nuts/seeds and 2 cups water to a high-speed blender and blend on high for about one minute until very smooth.
Strain through a small mesh sieve with 2 layers of cheesecloth. Squeeze if necessary.
Serve & enjoy!
Tip: You can double the recipe and store the milk in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 7 days.